Susannah Moore Reflexology

13th February 2025 
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FAQ #01

Frequently Asked Questions..

-Where did Reflexology originate from?
Reflexology originally started in Ancient Egypt, then went to India and China.
In the 1930's Eunice Ingham developed it further and introduced what we now know as Reflexology to the UK.

-Who can benefit from Reflexology?
Reflexology can be used by all ages. The treatment would be adapted to suit the needs of the individual.

-Are there any circumstances where it is not advised?
Yes. If someone has a DVT we would not treat as the increased circulation may encourage the clot to move which could potentially be very dangerous.

-Is it safe during Pregnancy?
Yes. However some practitioners are wary in the first trimester as the chances of miscarriage are higher during that period and if that were to happen the client may believe the reflexology had something to do with it. There is no evidence to suggest is possible. Reflexology only encourages the body to do what is natural and if, heaven forbid, someone were to miscarry the reflexology would only help the body to deal with this difficult time more efficiently. It is very important the client fully understands how reflexology works and is happy to proceed.
Studies have shown that reflexology can help to reduce many common pregnancy complaints and can make for a shorter easier birth.

-I'm taking medication, can I still have Reflexology?
By balancing the body's systems there may be circumstances where you will not need as high a dose of medication as you would do when not having reflexology. For example Asthmatics have often noticed that they can reduce the need for their inhalers. However any change in dosage or frequency of medication must always be discussed with your doctor prior to altering medication. Contrary to popular belief, reflexology cannot “flush the system” of medication.

-How many treatments will I need?
There is no particular answer to this question. After 1 or 2 treatments clients may notice a definite change- possibly more relaxed or a feeling of well being or a slight improvement in their symptoms. Quite often the longer someone has lived with a condition for, the longer it may take to see larger improvements. A course is often recommended with 6- 10 treatments at close intervals, 1 a week perhaps then after that once a month to maintain good health. For some people it is part of their monthly routine and they will have it for years as they enjoy it so much!

-How will I feel afterwards?
No 2 people are the same but the deeply relaxed is a very common feeling. You may have the need to go to the loo more frequently or your nose may run. To feel cold is very normal. Sometimes people can feel tearful or tired or nauseous but this can be expected and is a sign the body is responding to the healing process. It is very important any feelings are passed on to the therapist and they can tailor your next treatment accordingly.

-Does it tickle?
Not usually! If you are particularly ticklish let your practitioner know but the motions and pressures used aren't tickly.